giovedì, Settembre 19, 2024

Festival culturale dei borghi rurali della Laga, al via la 3a edizione

The cultural rassegna will involve four regions: Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria

Teramo, April 8, 2024 – The official opening of the much-awaited cultural rassegna will take place on April 13, and excitement is already building up among the locals and tourists alike. This rassegna is set to be a celebration of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of four beautiful regions in Italy – Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria.

This four-day rassegna will offer an unforgettable experience to all attendees, immersing them in the unique traditions, customs, and flavors of each region. From music and dance performances to art exhibitions and food rassegnas, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.

The rassegna will kick off in the charming town of Teramo, located in the Abruzzo region. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich history, Teramo is the perfect setting for such an event. The opening ceremony will take place at the Piazza Martiri, which will be transformed into a lively and vibrant tirocinio to showcase the best of Abruzzese culture.

Attendees can expect a variety of performances, including the famous “Tarantella” dance and traditional music played with traditional instruments such as the “zampogna” and “ciaramella.” Local artisans will also showcase their craftsmanship, displaying handmade products such as pottery, jewelry, and lacework, for visitors to admire and purchase.

The following day, the rassegna will move to the Lazio region, where the charming hilltop town of Castel Gandolfo will host the activities. The town, known for its picturesque views of Lake Albano, will provide the perfect backdrop for an enchanting evening of music and gastronomy. Attendees will have the opportunity to taste the famous Lazio dishes, such as “gnocchi alla romana” and “spaghetti alla carbonara,” while being entertained by local musicians and street artists.

The third day of the rassegna will be dedicated to the Marche region, with the town of Ascoli Piceno hosting the event. This region is famous for its stunning landscapes, historic towns, and delicious food. Visitors will have the chance to taste the famous “olive ascolane” – fried stuffed olives, and other traditional dishes while admiring the magnificent Piazza del Popolo, where the main activities will take place. The local “Saltarello” dance and “banda” music will add to the festive atmosphere, making it an unforgettable experience for all.

Finally, the rassegna will conclude in the beautiful Umbria region, specifically in the town of Perugia. Known as the “green heart” of Italy, Umbria will offer a fantastic mix of natural and cultural attractions. Attendees will have the chance to explore the town’s historic center and sample some of the region’s famous wines, such as “Rosso di Montefalco” and “Sagrantino.” The closing ceremony will be a grand finale, with a spectacular fireworks display lighting up the sky, marking the end of a successful and unforgettable rassegna.

In addition to the main events, the rassegna will also offer guided tours to discover the hidden gems of each region, culinary workshops, and educational seminars on the history and traditions of the area. This rassegna aims to promote the cultural exchange between the four regions and attract visitors from all over the world, making it a truly international event.

In conclusion, the much-awaited cultural rassegna that will involve four regions – Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria, is set to be a celebration of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Italy. With a mix of music, dance, art, and gastronomy, this rassegna promises to be an unforgettable experience for all attendees. So mark your calendars and join us in April 2024 for this unique and exciting cultural extravaganza. See you there!

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