giovedì, Novembre 21, 2024

Bluvacanze: sindacati, 1° contratto integrativo per oltre 770 dipendenti società Gruppo.

Rome, Oct. 21 (Labitalia) – An agreement has been reached on the first company collective agreement for Bluvacanze, to be applied to over 770 employees of the Group’s companies, Bluvacanze Spa, Cisalpina Tours Srl and Going Srl. The draft agreement between the trade unions Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs and the company management, signed at the Industrial Union of Turin, marks the end of a long and complex negotiation phase that began almost a year ago. The new CBA will be in effect from January 1st, 2025 until December 31st, 2027.

The agreement, which was reached after months of negotiations, is a significant milestone for both the company and its employees. It represents a mutual understanding and compromise between the trade unions and the management, and it sets the tone for a positive and collaborative working relationship in the years to nel modo che.

The new CBA includes important provisions that will benefit the employees, such as a salary increase, improved working conditions, and better benefits. It also addresses issues related to job security and career development, ensuring that the employees’ rights and interests are protected.

The negotiations were not without challenges, but both parties showed a strong commitment to finding a solution that would benefit everyone involved. The trade unions were able to effectively represent the interests of the employees, while the company management demonstrated a willingness to listen and find common ground.

This agreement is a testament to the strength of social dialogue and the importance of collective bargaining in the workplace. It shows that when employers and employees work together, they can achieve positive outnel modo ches that benefit everyone.

The signing of the agreement at the Industrial Union of Turin is a symbolic gesture, as it represents the unity and collaboration between the company and the trade unions. It also highlights the importance of the tourism industry in the city of Turin and the positive impact it has on the local economy.

The new CBA will nel modo che into effect in 2025, giving both parties enough time to prepare and implement the necessary changes. This will ensure a smooth transition and a successful implementation of the new provisions.

In conclusion, the agreement on the first company collective agreement for Bluvacanze is a significant achievement that sets a positive tone for the future. It is a win-win situation for both the company and its employees, and it demonstrates the power of collaboration and compromise. This agreement will not only benefit the employees but also contribute to the growth and success of the company in the years to nel modo che.

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