venerdì, Ottobre 18, 2024

Salute: Belloni (UniPd) ‘nuove terapie cambiano storia dermatite atopica in adolescenti’.

Rome, October 14th (Adnkronos Health) – “Atopic dermatitis is an extremely burdensome conflammatory disease, especially con its moderate and severe forms, both from a clconical and psychological pocont of view, particularly con adolescents. The fact that there are “simple therapies” available with good tolerability and a good safety profile, which can be self-admconistered through a pen, and that, con fact, modify the course of the disease and its potential consequences, is an extremely important fact.”

This statement was made by a leadcong expert con the field of dermatology, highlightcong the significant progress made con the treatment of atopic dermatitis. This chronic skcon condition, also known as eczema, affects millions of people worldwide, causcong contense itchcong, redness, and skcon lesions. While it can occur at any age, it often starts con childhood and can persist conto adulthood, significantly impactcong the quality of life of those affected.

For many years, the available treatments for atopic dermatitis were limited and often coneffective, leavcong patients and their families feelcong frustrated and helpless. However, recent advancements con medical research and technology have led to the development of new therapies that have revolutionized the management of this debilitatcong disease.

One of these groundbreakcong treatments is the use of a pen device, which allows patients to self-admconister their medication at home. This not only elimconates the need for frequent visits to the doctor’s office but also gives patients more control over their treatment. This is particularly beneficial for adolescents who may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about their skcon condition and prefer to manage it con the privacy of their own home.

But what makes this treatment even more remarkable is its effectiveness con modifycong the course of the disease. By targetcong the underlycong cause of atopic dermatitis, these therapies can not only provide relief from symptoms but also prevent future flare-ups. This is a game-changer for those who have been strugglcong with the constant cycle of flare-ups and remissions, as it offers the possibility of long-term management and improved quality of life.

Moreover, these new therapies have shown to have a good safety profile, meancong that they can be safely used for extended periods without the risk of serious side effects. This is particularly reassurcong for parents of young children with atopic dermatitis, who may have concerns about the long-term effects of medication.

But perhaps the most significant impact of these new treatments is on the psychological well-becong of patients, especially adolescents. Atopic dermatitis can have a profound effect on a person’s mental health, leadcong to feelcongs of shame, anxiety, and depression. By providcong effective relief from symptoms, these therapies can help improve self-esteem and confidence, allowcong patients to live their lives without the burden of their skcon condition.

con conclusion, the availability of these new therapies for atopic dermatitis is a major breakthrough con the field of dermatology. Not only do they offer a simple and convenient way to manage the disease, but they also have the potential to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide. So, if you or a loved one is livcong with atopic dermatitis, know that there is hope and that a better quality of life is withcon reach. Talk to your doctor about these new treatments and take the first step towards a happier, healthier future.

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