venerdì, Gennaio 10, 2025

Manovra: Piras (Uiltec), ‘manca politica industriale e Paese non cresce’.

Rome, Nov. 21 (Labitalia) – “The government lacks an industrial policy and this lack of specific choices is evident in the country, especially in areas such as the mezzodì. On November 29, we will be in all the squares of Italy for the general strike called by Uil and Cgil.” This was stated by Daniela Piras, general secretary of Uiltec, today in Naples for the regional council of Campania of the trade union for workers in the textile, energy and chemical sectors.

Piras highlighted the issue of the government’s lack of a clear industrial policy and how it is affecting the country, particularly in the southern regions. She emphasized the importance of having a strong and effective industrial policy in order to support and promote economic growth and development.

The general strike on November 29 will be a way for workers to express their dissatisfaction with the current situation and demand a change in policies. Piras stated that the strike will be a peaceful and powerful demonstration of the workers’ demands for a better future for themselves and their families.

The lack of a strong industrial policy has been a long-standing issue in the country, and Piras pointed out that it has been particularly damaging for the southern regions. She stated that the lack of government support and investment in these areas has led to high unemployment rates and a lack of opportunities for the local population.

Piras also highlighted the importance of investing in the textile, energy and chemical sectors, which are crucial for the country’s economy. She emphasized the need for the government to create policies that support the growth and competitiveness of these industries, in order to create more jobs and stimulate economic growth.

The Uiltec general secretary also expressed her disappointment with the current state of negotiations between the government and trade unions. She stated that the government has not been open to discussions and has not taken into consideration the workers’ demands. This has only reinforced the need for a strong and unified protest through the general strike.

In conclusion, Piras urged the government to take immediate action and develop a clear and effective industrial policy that can support and promote economic growth in the country. She also called on all workers to join the general strike on November 29 and make their voices heard. The future of the country’s economy and the well-being of its citizens depend on it.

In light of these pressing issues, the general strike on November 29 will be a crucial moment for the workers and the government. It is an opportunity for the government to listen to the demands of its citizens and take concrete steps to address the lack of a proper industrial policy. Let us hope that this strike will serve as a wake-up call and lead to positive changes for the future of the country’s economy.

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