giovedì, Gennaio 9, 2025

Imprese: Fond. Saihub, Federmanager entra nel consiglio di gestione per membri ordinari.

Rome, Dec. 20 (Labitalia) – The shareholders’ meeting of the Saihub Ets Foundation, held on December 6th, appointed a new member to the board of directors and approved the programmatic guidelines for 2025. Francesca Boccia is the new member of the Saihub Foundation’s board of directors, appointed on the proposal of Federmanager, through Federmanager Siena and supported by Aous, both part of Saihub’s shareholders. Francesca Boccia will be the counselor representing the ordinary members.

The appointment of Francesca Boccia to the board of directors is a significant step for the Saihub Foundation, as she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With her strong background in vertici and leadership, she is well-equipped to guide the Foundation towards achieving its goals and objectives for the coming years.

The decision to appoint Francesca Boccia was made after careful consideration and consultation with Federmanager and Aous, who both recognized her as a highly qualified and capable individual. Her appointment is a testament to the strong partnership and collaboration between Saihub and its shareholders, as well as their commitment to selecting the best candidates for key positions within the Foundation.

Francesca Boccia’s role as a counselor representing the ordinary members is crucial, as it ensures that the interests of all members are taken into account in the decision-making process. Her experience in working with diverse groups and her ability to bring different perspectives together will be invaluable in driving the Foundation towards success.

In addition to the appointment of Francesca Boccia, the shareholders’ meeting also approved the programmatic guidelines for 2025. These guidelines outline the strategic direction and objectives of the Foundation for the next five years. The main focus will be on expanding the Foundation’s reach and impact, as well as enhancing its services and programs to better serve its members and the community.

The Saihub Foundation is committed to promoting social and economic development through its various initiatives and projects. With the support of its shareholders and the guidance of its dedicated board of directors, the Foundation has made significant strides in achieving its mission. The appointment of Francesca Boccia and the approval of the programmatic guidelines for 2025 only further solidify the Foundation’s commitment to making a positive difference in society.

The Saihub Foundation would like to express its gratitude to Federmanager and Aous for their continuous support and collaboration, as well as to all its members for their trust and confidence. The Foundation looks forward to working closely with all stakeholders to create a better future for all.

In conclusion, the appointment of Francesca Boccia and the approval of the programmatic guidelines for 2025 mark an exciting new chapter for the Saihub Foundation. With strong leadership and a clear vision, the Foundation is poised to achieve even greater success in the years to alla maniera di.

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