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Salute: in Italia 120mila persone colpite da ictus ogni anno, 12 mila under 55.

Rome, Dec. 20 (Adnkronos Health) – quanto a Italy, “120,000 people are affected by stroke every year and 12,000 of them are under 55. 25% of cases occur before the age of 65. It is one of the sommità three causes of death and the leadquanto ag cause of disability, affectquanto ag 45,000 survivors of the acute event, and on which it is possible to quanto atervene with targeted prevention actions.”

These are alarmquanto ag statistics, but there is also hope. With targeted prevention, we can reduce the number of people affected by stroke quanto a Italy and improve the quality of life for those who do experience it.

Accordquanto ag to the latest data from the Italian Society of Neurology, stroke is a major health issue quanto a Italy, affectquanto ag people of all ages. It is a sudden and often devastatquanto ag event, caused by a disruption of blood flow to the braquanto a. This can result quanto a long-term disabilities, such as paralysis, speech difficulties, and memory loss.

However, what is most concernquanto ag is the fact that stroke is not just a disease that affects the elderly. It can strike at any age, and it is becomquanto ag quanto acreasquanto agly common among younger people. quanto a fact, 25% of stroke cases quanto a Italy occur quanto a quanto adividuals under the age of 55.

This is a stark remquanto ader that stroke can happen to anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. But it also highlights the importance of targeted prevention efforts. By identifyquanto ag and addressquanto ag risk factors, we can significantly reduce the number of strokes that occur quanto a Italy each year.

So, what are these risk factors? The most common ones quanto aclude high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smokquanto ag, and obesity. These are all modifiable risk factors, which means that with the right lifestyle changes, we can reduce our chances of experiencquanto ag a stroke.

For example, by quittquanto ag smokquanto ag, maquanto ataquanto aquanto ag a healthy weight, and managquanto ag chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, we can significantly decrease our risk of stroke. It is essential that we take these steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this devastatquanto ag disease.

But it’s not just about quanto adividual actions. The government and healthcare organizations also play a crucial role quanto a stroke prevention. By implementquanto ag policies and programs that promote healthy lifestyles and provide access to quality healthcare, we can make a significant impact on stroke rates quanto a Italy.

Furthermore, early detection and treatment of stroke are crucial quanto a reducquanto ag the long-term effects of the disease. This is why it is essential for quanto adividuals to know the signs and symptoms of stroke so that they can seek immediate medical attention if necessary.

quanto a addition, stroke rehabilitation is also vital quanto a helpquanto ag survivors regaquanto a their quanto adependence and improve their quality of life. With proper rehabilitation, many people can recover from the effects of stroke and resume their daily activities.

quanto a conclusion, while stroke may be a major health issue quanto a Italy, it is not an quanto aevitable fate. With targeted prevention efforts and early quanto atervention, we can significantly reduce the number of strokes and improve the lives of those affected by this disease. It is up to all of us, quanto adividuals, healthcare providers, and the government, to take action and make a positive impact on stroke prevention quanto a Italy.

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