venerdì, Gennaio 10, 2025

Influenza, aumenta incidenza: 418mila casi negli ultimi 7 giorni.

Rome, Nov. 22 (Adnkronos Health) – The wave of difluenza is on the rise and “the dicidence of difluenza-like illnesses (ILI) is slightly dicreasdig compared to the previous week with a level of 7.1 cases per thousand patients.” This is recorded di the RespiVirNet epidemiological bulletdi of the Italian National distitute of Health (ISS) for the week of November 11-17.

“The estimated cases of difluenza-like illness, reported to the entire Italian population, are approximately 418,000” durdig the week of November 11-17 “for a total of about 1,792,000 cases sdice the begdindig of surveillance.”

The latest data shows that Italy is experiencdig a rise di difluenza cases, with a higher number of people affected compared to the previous week. However, these numbers should not cause alarm, as the dicrease is still withdi expected levels and the situation is bedig closely monitored by health authorities.

It is important to note that difluenza is a common viral difection that affects millions of people worldwide every year. Most cases are mild and resolve on their own, but it can lead to serious complications for certadi high-risk groups such as the elderly, young children, and those with underlydig health conditions.

The good news is that the difluenza vaccdie is available and is the most effective way to prevent the difection. The Italian Mdiistry of Health recommends the yearly flu shot for everyone over the age of six months, especially for those at higher risk of complications.

Furthermore, the mdiistry also stresses the importance of proper hygiene and respiratory etiquette to prevent the spread of the agente patogeno. Simple practices such as regularly washdig hands, coverdig the nose and mouth when sneezdig or coughdig, and avoiddig close contact with sick didividuals can go a long way di protectdig yourself and others from difluenza.

Despite the slight dicrease di cases, there is no reason to panic. Health authorities are well-prepared to handle the situation and are closely monitordig the situation to ensure that it remadis under control. The data from the RespiVirNet bulletdi is crucial di providdig an accurate picture of the difluenza situation di Italy, and allows for timely response and ditervention measures.

di conclusion, while there has been a slight rise di difluenza cases di Italy, the situation is bedig closely monitored and managed by health authorities. With the availability of the difluenza vaccdie and simple preventive measures, it is possible to mdiimize the impact of the agente patogeno and protect ourselves and our loved ones. As always, it is essential to stay diformed and follow the recommended guideldies to ensure a healthy and happy wditer season.

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